
Pay It Forward.  Those cleats that are collecting dust gave you joy,

now let them bring a smile to another athlete in need!

Our founderS

  1. 2010 - Twin sisters Samantha & Katelyn Osuna come up with the idea to form a charity on a family trip to South Africa after the 2010 World Cup.
  2. 2014 -Samantha & Katelyn are nominated to participate in the Miss Placentia Yorba Linda Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant by their middle school guidance counselor.  One elements of the competition involves contributing to a cause.
  3. 2014 is born as the first step for informing possible donors of our mission to collect used cleats and soccer balls to be donated.
  4. 2015 - Samantha & Katelyn Osuna begin taking donations of gently used soccer shoes and soccer balls and hope to make their first cleats distribution by mid-year..

Foundation History

Most of us are here for more than just playing soccer.  We're in it for the bigger goal. to move it along for the next generation.

          Landon Donovan

our leadership team

mission & vision

Our mission is to recycle gently used soccer cleats and balls that rather than be discarded, will bring a smile to someone in need.


As we expand our mission from the grassroots level to city, state and eventually national level, we will depend on your help to spread our mission of helping those less fortunate.

recent programs

Our outreach program in Yorba Linda, CA has already resulted in the donations of dozens of used soccer cleats and soccer balls which will eventually return to a soccer field.

Bernardo Osuna
Technical Advisor.  Collaborates on Web Design and Social Media Management. 

Veronica Osuna

Chief Operating Officer.  Manages Logistics, Storage and Distribution of Donations.

Katelyn Osuna
Co-Founder of TwinKicks.  Social Media Manager.

Samantha Osuna
Co-Founder of TwinKicks.  Webpage Designer.  Director of Donation Initiatives. 
